Our Christmas Club

With Christmas fast approaching, it may be time to start planning presents for people. As a jewellery store, we hope that you’d consider perusing our website or popping into the store to try find some lovely gifts for those you care about. I understand that Christmas can be an expensive time of year and is often very stressful, this if why, here at Karma Jewellery, we offer our Christmas Club as a purchasing option; one way we try take all the hassle out of Christmas shopping.

With the Christmas Club, you are able to choose items and pay a 50% small deposit to put them on hold. This is perfect for when there’s only one item left in stock, but you can’t afford the full price yet. Items on hold are held for four weeks so you have the option to do this before getting paid and finish paying once you have been paid. This is perfect for the pricier items we sell.

This should help take some of the stress out of Christmas shopping as you are able to split the cost. I think this is a smart way to shop as it’s always best to spread your shopping across a few months to avoid financial strain and this method makes this even easier. It’s all about shopping smart.

If you’re having trouble relating, let me give you an example. Say you saw this gorgeous pair of 9ct Gold Sapphire and White Sapphire Earrings and you wanted to get them for your partner, normally you would have to pay the full £250 in one go which, while worth it, can be a little much to spend in one go. With the Christmas club you are able to split the price over 2 months of pay which means you only need to pay £125 up front and the other £125 in four weeks when you return to collect them. 

I personally love the idea of using the Christmas Club to take some of the pressure off when thinking about Christmas. If you have any queries, contact us on Facebook, Instagram, or pop in during open hours. I hope we see you taking advantage soon!

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